söndag 18 maj 2014

Y Couloir Aiguille Verte

Every time when we skied Mer de Glace we stop and had a look at the Y couloir on Verte: Mikko and i was talking to Brendan he and Ben Briggs was interested to ski it. After checking conditions Me, Ben Briggs and Mikko was heading to Couvercle hut to climb Couloirwhymper and ski the Y couloir.
Climbing the summit ridge. It took us 4h to climb whymper from Couvercle hut.

Jesper And Ben on the top. First time we ever skied together but not the last.

Mikko at the top 4122m

In the couloir waiting for the sun to hit.

First turn are always most interesting. You have to start skiing when the snow is hard so you not are to late lower in the couloir. It was steep in the start maybe 50-55 We did one 60m rappel to get true a rock part. after that Mikko and i used rope for another smal rappel. Ben did dryskiing :)

There is an icegully in the middle of the couloir that you have to pass several times to find snow to ski on. You cant ski in the middle of couloir that why it is so complex to ski.


We meet Ben tibbets with friend in the couloir they was climbing the same route that we skiing down. He said that only people from Uk and scandinavia are so stupid that they ski here :)

Jesper in the lower part.

Ben had an idea about rappel to Nayia a couloir lookers left of Y couloir to get more skiing. When we skied Nayia it was several avalanches  coming down on the side and everywhere. We did 90m rappel to Naia after that we could ski more before the last rappel on 60m.

Happy after have skied this line it took us 3.5h to ski it.

3h walking and running to catch the last train down to chamonix and pizzeria paradisio.

Big and complex line

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