onsdag 1 juni 2016

North Face

After several days with bad weather and some fresh snow the sun finally arrived and we could ski some good snow on the North face of Aiguille du midi, just another day in paradise.

On the top face. The snow was good to be 1st of june.

Nicklas Hansen took some nice pictures on us.Thanks

Photo: Nicklas Hansen
Photo: Nicklas Hansen

Mikko skiing before the halfmoon.

After the split.
Photo: Niclas Ferin

On the first rappel 10m. Someone had left a 10m fixed rope so we didint have to use our rope. Thanks for that!

On the pain rideu.This is the best part of the run

The traverse here the snow was good and we could do it without use the rope.
On the last rappel 30m to get into the exit.

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