måndag 14 mars 2016

Voie Fynn-Goudet on Grande Rocheuse

Last time we tried this couloir we had only light crampons and 1 light iceaxe and it was not so easy to climb over the icefall in the start so we had to turn around. This day we was better prepared :)

This line is not very often skied but its really steep! 

On the way up.

Climbing over the little icefall that was in the start.

It was steep all way up :)

Almost at the top.

At the start of the couloir.

Jesper skiing.

Mikko in the topsection.

A traverse to reach second snowfield.

Abalakov anchor to rappel over the icefall.

After the rappel

Jesper on the rappel. The end. :)

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