måndag 14 mars 2016

Voie Fynn-Goudet on Grande Rocheuse

Last time we tried this couloir we had only light crampons and 1 light iceaxe and it was not so easy to climb over the icefall in the start so we had to turn around. This day we was better prepared :)

This line is not very often skied but its really steep! 

On the way up.

Climbing over the little icefall that was in the start.

It was steep all way up :)

Almost at the top.

At the start of the couloir.

Jesper skiing.

Mikko in the topsection.

A traverse to reach second snowfield.

Abalakov anchor to rappel over the icefall.

After the rappel

Jesper on the rappel. The end. :)

lördag 12 mars 2016

Relaxed day high up.

Today i skied with Jeff and Nikolina on Glacier ronde. I have skied this line more then 50 times, my first season i skied this line almost every day.It was in powder and in shitsnow just to get training i have done firsttracks down it many times. This day was top 3ever on this line the snow was shit but that was something else with the day. It was first time for Nikolina and Jeff on midi they saw things that i had forgott.
On the Arete



In the couloir

Nikolina Bolvede 

Jeff on Bosson

tisdag 1 mars 2016

Helbronner day

Jacob Schennings and i did militaryservice together 2007-2008 and havent seen each other for 8 years untill i  meet him in Chamonix this season. He is a great photografer so we went to helbronner my favorit lift to take some photos and enjoy a great day out.

No stress on this side of the Mont blanc massif.

fredag 5 februari 2016

North/North-Eastface of Les Courtes

This is the most classical steepskiing line in Chamonix. Normaly there is alot of people skiing this line in the spring but we found the line early in the season in really good condition. You only get one line like this in the season and this was the day!

This line was the first bigline i skied when i did my first season in Chamonix.

Ross Hewitt on the bootpack

800m of bootpack :)

Aiguille de Argentiere from the top

Jesper diving

Me skiing pow!

Nothing to say. The day was perfekt

lördag 30 januari 2016

New opportunities

Went out with Miku Merikanto in the Argy-basin to try something new. :) Of course he had his camera ;)